Can Apache and IIS run at the same server?


Sure they can. But there is a catch in it, as always.

You cannot run them at the same IP address and same TCP port. You'll have to use either different TCP port or different IP address. This guide covers latter one. This guide expects that you know how to register multiple IP addresses to your servers network adapter. It is also expected that you know how to use Windows Registry.

Configure IIS to listen certain IP address

First you need to tell IIS not to hog every available IP address to itself, as it is very keen on to do so.

At the IIS startup, IIS will hog every possible IP address. Thus if Apache is already started using some of those addresses IIS starts but the sites in it won't. But we can bypass this problem.

  1. Start Internet Services Manager and choose your site's properties.
  2. At the Web Site tab you can see "IP Address" dropdown list in Web Site Identification part. Press Advanced button.
  3. At Multiple identities for this Web Site, press Add button.
    1. Choose IP address to listen to from IP Address dropdown menu.
    2. Write port number 80 to TCP port field
    3. Write your Web Site name to Host Header Name field (Fully Qualified DNS name)
    4. Press OK to save changes.
  4. Press OK to save changes in Advanced Multiple Web Site Configuration window.
  5. Press OK to save changes in site properties window.

Configure Apache to listen certain IP address

Open httpd.conf file and change Listen runtime directive to match your IP address reserved for Apache:

# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, instead of the default. See also the 
# directive.
#Listen 3000

You also need to change BindAddress runtime directive to match your IP address reserved for Apache:

# BindAddress: You can support virtual hosts with this option. This directive
# is used to tell the server which IP address to listen to. It can either
# contain "*", an IP address, or a fully qualified Internet domain name.
# See also the  and Listen directives.

Save changes and stop Apache if it is running.

Change start up order

When services start, IIS need to be started before Apache. Because IIS is trying to use every single IP address registered to your server at first. When it is completely started it'll use IP address configured to it. Thus it is necessary to change the start up order for these services. The ugly part is that there is no tool (free as I know) for it and it need to be done in systems registry.

Open registry editor (regedt32 not regedit). Find key:


Add new REG_SZ value named Group. And set it string data to: apache. So you should find new value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Apache saying:

Group: REG_SZ: apache

Find key:


Add same value than you did with apache except set the string value to: IIS. So you there should be new Group value:

Group: REG_SZ: IIS

And atlast find key:


Double-click List value and add groupnames IIS and apache to this list. Each at it's own line and make sure you'll put IIS before apache.

Press OK to save changes. Restart your system. Check that both IIS and apache is started properly.